Thursday, April 30, 2015

Broken Lens to release April 30th

My writing journey has been a long one. I've had ups and downs and with the kind words I receive via FB, my blog, my website, Twitter and Goodreads, from you, my readers, I've weathered the storm. I'm now writing full time (and being a stay at home mom), so my attention isn't as divided as it has been in the past.

I should be able to get out all my back titles and get back on track. I have a couple of books that will release soon I'm really excited about. Look for one cover reveal for a new young adult contemporary stand alone novel to drop Friday, May 1st. I think it's pretty smoking hot if you ask me.
But to the reason I'm writing today....


Hopefully, all good things are worth the wait. This book has been a labor of intense love. And thanks to motivation from a very good friend, I've made it through the darkness and into the light with this one. It has taken me longer than expected to complete, but what's new. It's done, and I hope I did the story justice as I know you guys will tell me whether I did or didn't.

Here are a few teasers. I'll post the pre-order links when I get them.
BL FB ad 04a BL FB ad 05 avail handsome muscular young man on a motorcycle summer day at sunset

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